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Lab members receive department awards
Graduate student Angelina Tsai won the Bernadette Gray-Little Award for Diversity Enhancement in Psychological Research. Post-bacc RA Maresa Tate won the Innovation in Equity and Inclusivity Service Award. Undergraduate student Kayla Brown won the J. Steven Reznick Award for Diversity Enhancement in Psychological Research. Undergraduate Masita Wicaksana won the Diversifying Psychology and Neuroscience Summer Research Award.
Lab members receive NSF GRFP grants and honorable mentions
Graduate student Michelle Shipkova and post-bacc RA Margaret Redic received the NSF GRFP. Post-bacc RAs Summer Motton, Katie Garrisi, and Amy Carolus received Honorable Mentions for their NSF GRFP applications.
Article published on Dr. Sheridan’s paper
AAAS wrote an article on a paper from the BEIP project, which found that through random assignment that prefrontal cortex thinning is impacted by early life environments. The article can be accessed here:
Esme received an Honorable Mention on her NSF GRFP
Graduate student Esme Navarro received an Honorable Mention on her NSF GRFP application.
Dr. Margaret Sheridan named APS Fellow
Dr. Margaret Sheridan, PI of the CIRCLE Lab, has been named a 2021 Association for Psychological Science (APS) Fellow. Department announcement can be found here.
Laura successfully defended her dissertation
Graduate student Laura Machlin successfully defended her dissertation and she will begin her clinical internship next fall.
Sarah successfully defended her dissertation
Graduate student Sarah Furlong successfully defended her dissertation and she will begin her clinical internship next fall.
Dr. Margaret Sheridan authored Article for Child and Family Blog
Dr. Sheridan wrote an OpEd on the differential impacts of deprivation and threat for the Child and Family Blog. The article can be accessed here:
Dr. Miller becomes Research Assistant Professor
Dr. Adam Bryant Miller becomes Research Assistant Professor at UNC, Chapel Hill. He received his K01 award in April 2017.
R21 grant received
Sheridan Lab and Cohen Lab received R21 grant to study early brain development.
Sheridan Lab awarded R01 grant
Sheridan Lab received 2016 National Institutes of Health RO1 subcontract grant to study the effects of early life experiences of deprivation and threat on neural development.
Laura received CDS fellowship
Graduate student Laura Machlin received a 2018 Center for Developmental Science (CDS) Carolina Consortium on Human Development (CCHD) Predoctoral Fellowship.
Graduate students received NSF fellowships
Graduate students Laura, Kristin and Anais received National Science Foundation’s graduate research fellowship.
Dr. Sheridan’s article published in the Nature Communications
Dr. Margaret Sheridan authored a research article about the effects of early deprivation, published in the Nature Communications on June 8, 2018.
Dr. Sheridan authored OpEd in the New York Times
Dr. Margaret Sheridan, principal investigator of the CIRCLE Lab writes an OpEd for the New York Times (May, 2018).