Message from the CIRCLE Lab team
We hope that you are finding our newsletters engaging and helpful!
Are there topics you would be interested in learning more about, but they haven’t been covered by our team yet? Are there aspects of the newsletters that you wish would be different?
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Newsletter Archive
WHALE Study Updates and Science Resources for Kids (January 22nd, 2024)
Summer 2023 Newsletter (August 16th, 2023)
WHALE/STTAR End of (Academic) Year Wrap-Up! (May 30th, 2023)
“It’s gonna be May”- Getting kids ready for summer break (April 28th, 2023)
What to do when you are blue (March 31st, 2023)
Bouncing Back – What is Resilience? (February 27th, 2023)
Managing ‘Misbehavior’ (January 31st, 2023)
All About ADHD! (November 28th, 2022)
Supporting Children Through Sadness (November 7th, 2022)
How are you really doing? (August 16th, 2022)
Talking about Terrible Things (June 20th, 2022)
When your little one loses someone (May 20th, 2022)
May is Mental Health Awareness Month (May 9th, 2022)
3..2..1..Blast Off!: Scanning kids’ brains in a “spaceship” (April 7th, 2022)
“Won’t you be my neighbor?” Why we do home visits (March 16th, 2022)
What we learn from our “cognitive” assessments (February 28th, 2022)
Getting Through It (January 31st, 2022)
End of Year Wrap-Up (December 17th, 2021)
Surviving Holiday Gatherings with Young Kids (December 3rd, 2021)
Circle circle, dot dot, time to get the COVID shots! (November 19th, 2021)
Trick or Treat? Give me something good to eat (November 5th, 2021)
Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes in Family Structure (October 22nd, 2021)
Good Morning, Moon (October 8th, 2021)
Back to School is Cool (September 24th, 2021)
Picky Eating (August 27th, 2021)
Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits (August 13th, 2021)
Summer Slide (July 30th, 2021)
Staying Safe Within Your Family (July 16th, 2021)
Honoring Juneteenth (June 18, 2021)
It Takes a Village: Navigating Challenges with Co-Parenting (June 4, 2021)
Adjusting To The New “Normal” (May 21, 2021)
How To Identify A Therapist For Your Child (May 7, 2021)
Parenting & Discipline (April 23, 2021)
Managing Screen Time (April 9, 2021)
It’s Spring Break Time! (March 26, 2021)
Maybe It’s The Pandemic (March 12th, 2021)
Your Child’s Anxiety During Back-to-School-Again Period (February 26, 2021)
How To Help Manage Your Child’s Anxiety (February 12, 2021)
How To Get Started With Therapy (January 29th, 2021)
Consider If Therapy May Be Right For You (January 15th, 2021)
Self-care During Holiday Season (December 11th, 2020)
Tips On Coping & Controllability During COVID-19 (October 16th, 2020)
Feeling Overwhelmed by Virtual Learning? (September 30th, 2020)
What Has The WHALE Study Team Found So Far? (September 15th, 2020)
Tips For Back To School Time During The Pandemic (August 31st, 2020)
Updates From The WHALE Study Team With Regards To COVID-19 Impact (August 16th, 2020)
COVID-19 Impact On People of Color (June 8th, 2020)
Finding Joy During These Strange Times (May 19th, 2020)
Coping With The Impact Of COVID-19 (May 1st, 2020)
Tips On Managing Your & Your Child’s Emotions (April 7th, 2020)